Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Destiny, by Leslie Whitaker - Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
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Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

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Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Lately.

My TOP TEN from clients lately.

I work with women from ALL walks of life. I work with women in ALL stages of life. I work with women of ALL body types. I love them all. Every single women, and man, who walks through my door is automatically my BFFFFFFFF.

PROFESSIONAL Hair and Makeup artist ON STAFF. Check.

CLIENT CLOSET with sizing 5x-xs. Check.

SAME DAY REVEAL of your photos. Check.

Shoes. Check.

Whatever else you need to feel amazing? Check.

I’ve got you on ALL the things. I want this process to be as stress free as possible for you!

Come see me. I’m ready for you!

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer - Sam, by Leslie Whitaker - Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Sam recently came to the studio for her first boudoir session with me. We’ve already got more sessions coming up! I absolutely love working with her. I love shooting women with tattoos and the more the better. I’ve recently had a couple of girls tell me that other photographers turned them down because they had tattoos, and I seriously can’t imagine!!! I love working with ALL of my clients, no matter their size, color, or anything else. Beauty is beauty and I can find it anywhere! :)

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

We did seven different looks for her boudoir session, I LOVE the blue, don’t you?! Hailey got her all ready with a fresh wash, dry and style plus gorgeous makeup. All of my client’s love seeing Hailey in her studio (just down the hall) before coming to see me in the boudoir studio. Hair and Makeup really sets everything up perfectly. Hailey knows how to style you just right for my work.

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Boudoir Photographer

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boudoir photographer louisiana

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Best boudoir photographer near me

bossier city boudoir photographer

bossier city boudoir photographer

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North Louisiana boudoir photographer

Ark-La-Tex Boudoir Photos

Ark-La-Tex Boudoir Photos

Texas Boudoir Photographer

Texas Boudoir Photographer

Longview Boudoir Photographer

Longview Boudoir Photographer

One of the best parts of choosing me as your boudoir photographer is that I show your gallery THE VERY SAME DAY of your session. Literally as soon as we are doing taking photos! You see everything un-edited, and there is a reason for that. I want you to know that THAT'S YOU. I want you to know that YOU look exactly like the photos you are seeing, and I want you to walk out KNOWING you're fine as hell! Because you are! You are amazing, just like you are! And I can prove it to you. Come see me to build your self-confidence. Come see me to remind you of all of the good things you have forgotten about yourself. Come see me so you can see what the whole world really sees. We can be so mean to ourselves, and I can help you change the way you see yourself!

Ruston Boudoir Photographer

Ruston Boudoir Photographer

MInden Boudoir Photographer

MInden Boudoir Photographer

Bossier City Photographer

Bossier City Photographer

Louisiana Boudoir

Louisiana Boudoir

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Glitter Bath - Blush Studio by Leslie

I have this little Facebook Group. I guess it’s not so ‘little’ anymore, at over 2,000 members. We keep it to just women, so that each member is able to feel safe talking about girl stuff. :) Anyway, from time to time I will post model calls for specific ideas. Mrs. A answered a model call I did a few months ago for a glitter bath. We were supposed to do this session the beginning of August, but I ended up developing pre-eclampsia at 33 weeks and delivering at 36.6 weeks (just a few days before we’d scheduled this particular session). We finally got to do this session last week, and it was so much fun!

Mrs. A came to the studio at 930 and meet Hailey in her space for hair and makeup. She’d washed her hair the evening before, and it was brushed backwards. Typically, we curl or do big waves, but Hailey thought the slick backed look would look so good for her glitter bath. Her hair would be getting wet anyway, so curls would be a waste in the end. Hailey was so right! I ended up loving what Hailey did, and Mrs. A asked for a pop of purple in her eyeshadow. I did greens, blue and silver for her glitter bath and IT TURNED OUT SO DANG PRETTY!!!

Boudoir Photographer in Shreveport

This is the third session that Mrs. A has done with me, she keeps coming back for more. Boudoir photos are seriously ADDICTIVE, and I really can’t blame ya’ll. They are definitely one of my top three session types that I do, and they definitely are a love of mine. I love the outcome, you guys seeing your photos. Did you know that my clients see their photos THE VERY SAME DAY of their session? I do not want you guys to have to wait to see how fucking fabulous you are, and really there is a science to it. I want you to see what the camera sees, before I edit. I think it really brings your self-confidence full circle. I am not a heavy editor anyway, but I find that if you do not see your unedited images that clients THINK I’ve done some crazy editing to them - when I DO NOT. I want you to see what everyone else sees when they look at you! I want you to see yourself, for the badass that you are!

If you’re looking to be lifted up, if you’re looking for a boudoir photographer in Shreveport, I would absolutely LOVE to talk with you and see if we are a good fit! Fill out my contact form so we can get started.

Milk bath photographer
Blush Studio by Leslie
Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer, Boudoir Photographer, Shreveport Boudoir, Bossier Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir Photographer, Minden Boudoir Photographer, Longview Boudoir Photographer, Marshall Boudoir Photographer, Dallas Boudoir Photographer, Greenwood Boudoir Photographer, Arklatex Boudoir Photographer.

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Blush Studio - Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir photos aren’t just about the bed. A whole heck of a lot more goes into it around here! Sure, you don’t NEED all the fluff to have pretty photos, but it sure is a lot more fun with all of the textures added in.

I’ve gotten to take photos of heather a few different times, and every single session has been different. I absolutely love working with her, it might have been more than three sessions by now. lol. She’s learned my cues, and I really don’t even have to tell her to move during a pose anymore, she gives me so much to work with b/c she knows what I’m going to say next. :)

reading that you’re probably like, “omg, i won’t know what to do! She’s not gonna like taking photos me!” That couldn’t be further from the truth! I am so hands on girl. I get down and show you exactly how to pose, and then once you get into the pose yourself I correct any small things and we go from there. By the third pose you are pointing your toes without me telling you to! You will be a pro, just like heather, by the end of your session too!

Boudoir Photographer Shreveport
boudoir photographer
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boudoir photographer near me
Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport Boudoir Photographer
Minden Boudoir Photographer

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shreveport boudoir photographer
boudoir photographer near me
boudoir photographer
boudoir photographer near me
boudoir photographer near me
boudoir photographer near me
boudoir photographer near me

I think every single client, that books for the first time, tells me how they don’t have the confidence to do this. when i tell you every one has some sort of insecurity, they do! do not think anyone you see on my website didn’t come into the studio nervous as hell! but it’s so much fun! You have to do a boudoir session with me, at least once! It’s a total blast!!!

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Playboy photos, playboy photographer, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer, Bossier City Photographer, Boudoir Photographer, Boudoir photos near me.

Shreveport Bridal Photographer - Hailey's Bridal Session, by Leslie Whitaker

Hailey has been my client for a few years! We normally do boudoir when she comes to see me, but this time she was getting married and i just had to take her bridals. She’s coming back to see me soon, with her new hubby and i can absOLUTELY not wait! he’s so nervous too, lol. it’s going to be a blast.

hailey got her hair and makeup done in studio, by my artist who is also named hailey. it’s confusing, i know. lol. I feel like i have so many clients named hailey, and caroline has been a name I have a lot lately too. That has no corelation to each other lololol.

We took photos in the studio and then walked a couple of blocks around the studio too. makeup hailey went with us and helped fluff the dress, we had a client after her that day too and hailey was a ton of help with the dress. she doesn’t normally get to hang out with us as we shoot, so it was a totaly treat for her.

I hope you love Hailey’s Bridal PORTRAITS; they are so freakin gorgeous.

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer | jen's 20th anniversary boudoir session | Louisiana Boudoir

We’ve been planning this boudior session for months. Jen first contacted me in September and we got right to work, and somehow she managed to keep her husband from spoiling his own surprise for almost five whole months!

Jen met her husband in California and somehow they ended up in Shreveport, Louisiana. They celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary when Jen surprised him with a album right at the dinner table! She said she wanted to watch him sweat. 😅😅😅

Jen texted me on their way home, and she was successful. He was surprised, and certainly sweating 🥴

I give my clients the option to pre-pay for their products, and in turn they earn free upgrades. I don't know about you, but I LOVE upgrades. ;)

I have a licensed staff of hair and makeup artist, so you can be sure you're going to get a fabulous experience, and look fabulous too.

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Bossier Boudoir Photographer, Dallas Boudoir Photographer, Longview Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir photographer, Monroe Boudoir Photographer, Mississippi Boudoir Photographer, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer.

Leslie Whitaker
Shreveport Maternity boudoir photographer | Maternity boudoir session, by Leslie whitaker

I give you permission to love your body, even during pregnancy! Sure, a whole bunch of the process sucks. But, I just find a woman so beautiful during this time. I'm one of those weirdos who LOVES being pregnant. I love the belly, I think I look hott! So, let me show you what you look like to everyone else, cause girlllllll you're hot stuff! Promise.

As a maternity boudoir photographer in Shreveport, Louisiana I offer a full client closet with shoes, jewelry and of course lingerie! But we also work with fabric, lace and textures to make sure your session is one of a kind.

Shreveport Boudoir Session, Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Shreveport Maternity Photographer, Bossier Boudoir Session, Boudoir Boudoir Photographer, Bossier Maternity Session, Ruston Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir Session, Ruston Maternity Photographer, Longview Maternity Session, Longview Boudoir Session, Longview Boudoir Photographer, Monroe Maternity Photographer, Monroe Boudoir Photographer, Monroe Boudoir Session, Mississippi Boudoir Photographer, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer, Arkansas Boudoir Photographer, Louisiana Maternity Session, Louisiana Maternity Photographer.

Leslie Whitaker
Boudoir ain’t jUST for the skinny girls | Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Leslie Whitaker

As a fellow not skinny girl, it pains me to hear when girls get their boudoir photos done and they dislike their final images because of posing. I wouldn’t say you change a whole lot from posing one body type to another, but you do have to be mindful of insecurities from one person to the next. Now, C doesn’t look like she has insecurities, does she? But don’t be fooled. We’ve all got them, even this fine ass lady has her own.

I’m completely OBSESSED with this entire gallery. Like, woooooowza. If you look at this woman and you don’t want to hang out with her, I don’t know what your problem is. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s a bomb ass Mama, she owns her own business and she’s so freakin talented too! She’s the sweetest friend, I thinks she’s pretty funny and her babies are gorgeous to boot.

I told her to point her toes, aka “do the ballerina”, once. Then she did it every single pose without me asking.

I think this one is my favorite. It’s really hard for me to choose, but for me this one celebrates her curves and C looks so dang confident!

I hope you enjoy looking all the rest of C's images. Don’t forget to fill out my contact form, aid love to work with you.

Ruston Boudoir Photographer

Ruston Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer

Empowering boudoir photographer

Empowering boudoir photographer

Best plus size boudoir photographer

Best plus size boudoir photographer

Boudoir photographer Minden

Boudoir photographer Minden

Bossier boudoir photographer

Bossier boudoir photographer

Shreveport Boudoir photographer

Shreveport Boudoir photographer

Plus size boudoir photographer

Plus size boudoir photographer

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Leslie Whitaker
It’s my party - let’s do what we want | Shreveport boudoir photographer, Leslie Whitaker

Ashley was coming to visit, just like she does every summer. I’ve known Ash almost my whole life. She probably been the one constant thing aside from my kin. I can remember back when we were probably about 7 years old, she lived in the same neighborhood as us and she’d come down to play or i’d play at her house. I have scars on my knees from the summer we learned to roller blade. I can’t remember her house in Pearl, but I remember her house in Rhode Island. She moved when we were both 9 years old, our birthdays are 4 days a part. Our mothers dressed us the same, I remember that vividly.

We spent the better part of the summer of 1994 in Rhode Island. My parents had just separated and my mom packed us up in our green dodge caravan and hightailed it out of Mississippi. Camille was her closet friend, Ashley’s mom. Isn’t it weird the things you remember from your childhood. I remember some of the oddest things.

Anyway, i’ve known Ashley forever, basically my whole life. I take her birthday Portraits every year, we're a little extra that way. Ash saw this idea on pinterest, bought a million yards of tulle at joanne’s and we fashioned it into a dress -sorta. 😅 we brought the wine from home and my makeup artist did Ashley's hair and makeup. And it’s all PERFECTION.

Myself, I love a good throat hold. I just think a photo like this is so dang sexy.

Myself, I love a good throat hold. I just think a photo like this is so dang sexy.

Ashley is so unapologetically herself,  and that’s the best part of her. She ain’t changin for Noone… we’re too old now anyway.

Ashley is so unapologetically herself, and that’s the best part of her. She ain’t changin for Noone… we’re too old now anyway.

I have no idea what we will do next summer, but I can’t wait to find out. 😉

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Bossier BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER, Benton BOUDOIR Photographer, Minden Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir Photographer, Longview Boudoir Photographer, Marshall Boudoir Photographer, Dallas Boudoir Photographer, Dallas-Fort Worth Boudoir Photographer, Shreveport Portrait Photographer, Boudoir Photographer near me, Boudoir Photographer Shreveport, Shreveport Photographer, Ruston Photographer, Boudoir Photographer Bossier.

Leslie Whitaker
Shreveport boutique photographer - Rayette's closet | by Leslie Whitaker

I just love supporting women owned businesses. I can’t say I really seek them out, but once I discover them I pretty much latch on. Local is even better. Not only is Jess running her own small business, she also works full time, has two young children and is a friend to so many. Every single person I know, that knows Jess, loves her. She’s the sweetest.

Find Rayette’s Closet on Facebook and support Jess, you’ll love her as much as I do. ;)

As a boudoir photographer in Shreveport, I love supporting other small businesses just like me. It’s even better when their beliefs align with mine.

All bodies are beautiful. I love helping my clients see themselves the way I see them. Sure, we’ve all got things we want to work on, but working on loving you right now is a pretty big accomplishment in itself. I love that Jess wants to make sure her brand is inclusive.

I’d love if you’d give her a look, I already carry numerous peices of her line in my studio closet.

Shreveport Portrait Photographer, Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Bossier BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER, Minden photographer, Minden Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir Photographer, Benton BOUDOIR Photographer, boudoir Photographer Shreveport, Boudoir Photographer Bossier, Boudoir Photographer Minden, Boudoir Photographer Dallas.

Leslie Whitaker
Shreveport boudoir photographer | mia's blush session | louisiana boudoir photographer

Mia wanted to treat herself to celebrate her birthday. A lot of times when clients first reach out to talk about doing a boudoir session they say they are doing it for their husband or partner. And of course, having your boudoir photos taken is always a great gift for someone else. BUT, in the end you’ll be the one who really gets the gift. The self love experience my clients receive is THE BEST FREAKIN PART.

Shreveport Boudoir Session

Shreveport Boudoir Session

Mia brought this pearl accent piece to her session. I love it so much! Black lingerie looks good alllll the time, but when she put this over it….. girrrrrrrl.

Bossier Boudoir Photographer

Bossier Boudoir Photographer

We talked about how her bedroom was decorated, her favorite color and all the things. I plan your session around what YOU love and what YOU want to achieve from your session.

Mia hung this image in her bedroom. It’s BIG too, size 16x20 in all it’s glory. So pretty!

Best Boudoir Photographer

Best Boudoir Photographer

Check out the rest of her gallery below. I’m obsessed.

SHREVEPORT BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER, Bossier BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER, Benton BOUDOIR Photographer, boudoir Photographer Shreveport, best boudoir photographer, best boudoir photographer near me, Louisiana boudoir photographer, stonewall boudoir photographer, keithville boudoir photographer, Mansfield boudoir photographer, Longview boudoir photographer, Dallas boudoir photographer, Texas boudoir photographer

Leslie Whitaker
Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer | covid update from leslie

We’re living in a scary time. So much is happening that you can’t control, but when you schedule a boudoir session with me I want you to feel confident that I will provide a clean and safe space.

I always do my best to treat my clients with respect. Respect can come in many forms, and this particular respect is for your right to enter a clean and sanitary space. Before your appointment I make sure to sanitize all surfaces. The floors are swept and mopped with sanitizing cleaner. All hard surfaces, like my clawfoot tub, are sanitized using clorox wipes and sprayed with lysol spray. The sheets used for session have been washed in hot water and lysol sanitizing laundry additive has been used; all lingerie has been cleaned the same way.

My entire team wears a mask during your appointment, and even during our day to day life. We take our own health seriously and want to ensure we aren’t exposing ourselves to anything unnecessarily.

Snacks and drinks are always on hand, but you are the one who opens them. I offer a special treat during your reveal, and you open that too.

Your safety is just as important to me as your happiness with your final images and products. I hope you’ll love your entire experience at Blush Studio by Leslie. We take pride in every step.

Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

Leslie Whitaker
Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer - What to expect during your session.

A lot of perspective clients are so nervous about the day of, and not even just about being nakey in front of someone new. I try to make the entire day silly, all about the client and super simple to follow. The last thing I want is for my client to ask me what’s happening next. So, we go over what to expect on the phone and in their day before e-mail too. Keep reading to find out how my sessions flow.

Sessions are held on weekdays, typically Tuesday through Thursday. When you arrive at the studio, I meet you downstairs and walk you up. My on staff stylist are waiting on you upon arrival and we begin hair and makeup. It will take the stylist about an hour to complete your look and during that time I am near by so that we can get to know each other better and decide on outfits for your session. I also have snacks, drinks and bubbly out for you to enjoy during this time.

Petite sessions allow for three outfits and artistic nudes. Now, you might have just gone “OHmygawwwwd. I could never do nudes!”. You’re wrong, I promise! Just look below. :) Full sessions can be up to 10 outfits, sheets and artistic nudes. A petite session typically has at least 30 final images and a full session can have 70 or more.

Bossier City, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Minden, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer

After makeup and outfit selections are done, we get right to shooting. We shoot for about 45 minutes with a petite session and up to two hours for a full. Depending on how things go, we may not need that much time for either session.

After we are done taking your boudoir photos, I give you time to change back into your street clothes and I get all of your images pulled up and saved. I make the first pass on my own, but you’re able to watch me. I get rid of anything out of focus, repeats, crazy faces (we giggle a lot) and anything I would think unusable in a final gallery.

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer
Bossier City, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Longview, Texas Boudoir Photographer

Then you get to take control. You get to view every single image and choose which ones are your favorite. Don’t worry, I help you the whole time. I have spent years learning how to use light + shadows, how to get the most out of my camera, and how to get the photos I take as close to the final product as possible.

A lot of my clients already know that they want a 10x10 album, the digitals and some wall art and most of the time they pre-pay for those items before their session. When they do that they get free stuff too! Like, a second hair and makeup look, free product, they get to wear my wings or even do a shower set (there’s more!). So we get to work getting our image numbers right for what they are wanting. Sometimes clients choose to upgrade, because there are SO MANY good images!

After the session digital images and prints take about 2 weeks to arrive and albums take about three. I do my best to have a quick turnaround, because who wants to wait!

Want to book your own boudoir session with me? Go to the tab called “contact leslie” and fill out the form. I’ll get back to you super soon!

xoxo, Leslie

Dallas, Texas Boudoir Photographer
boudoir photographer near me
Shreveport Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer - Kera - by Leslie Whitaker, Blush Studio by Leslie

I take care of everything needed for your boudoir session. I have over 200 lingerie outfits on hand, ranging between sizes xs to 4x. I provide jewelry, shoes, hair and makeup too! You don’t have to stress over what you’re going to wear, ordering online and it not fitting or making a special trip to the store. Every single thing is taken care of for you!

Sometimes you just have to get yourself a birthday present! What better than gorgeous photos of yourself, a self love day with me and a confidence booster? Kera did just that! She’s got two babies, just changed jobs and was running on empty. She needed a pick me up and boudoir photos were just the ticket!

Shreveport, Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport Boudoir photos

Her favorite color is yellow, so we added in a little spice even when she wasn’t wearing yellow herself.

I love how her session turned out, and her album is gorgeous!

boudoir photographer near me

These are my top 5 favorites from her session. :)

Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
boudoir photographer ruston
Princesses and Villians - All of em', Queens - Louisiana Boudoir Photographer, Leslie Whitaker

Twenty one women, and as many weeks and we are finally done!

I am excited to present to you a true labor of love; full of nostalgia. We dreamt of being them, we were them when playing with our friends and we knew every single word to the theme songs. We even dressed as them on Halloween and had birthday parties where we celebrated our favorite princess.

My makeup artist and I bounced this idea around for well over six months, and in January I began looking for models in my boudoir Facebook group. I put out a open model call for women with specific hair and eye color combinations and if they fit those specifications they were asked to apply; I only shared their character with them after they agreed to participate. Everyone agreed to keep my idea a secret until the images were released publicly. Women of all ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, body types and professions participated. Each one was treated to hair and makeup by my staff artists and I provided everything needed to transform them into their inner princess.

Each woman below is special to me. I’m seriously fan-girling that they'd trusted me before they even knew what they were signing up for! I watched each woman blossom through my camera lens. I witnessed them fall in love with themselves again, when they got to see the unedited images in studio. Even as I edited each session, I fell in love over and over again with the theme. I am so stinkin' proud of what we did here!

It was so much fun watching each fairytale come to life. Some of the models were new to Blush Studio by Leslie and some were long time clients. I had so much fun designing each session and I hope you’ll take the time to appreciate all of the women who participated. I’m obsessed with each photograph you’ll see below, and I hope you love them too.



I’d love if you’d comment at the bottom and tell me which princess or villian was your favorite. ;)

What i wouldn't give,

to be a part of that world.

Hair and Makeup by Hailey Kilpatrick.  Shreveport, Louisiana.

Hair and Makeup by Hailey Kilpatrick. Shreveport, Louisiana.

Poor unfortunate souls.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana.

He says to be steady like the river, but a river isn’t steady at all!

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Once upon a dream.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana

I had wings once.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana

Rosey red lips, ebony Black hair and skin White as snow.

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Mirror, Mirror.

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

My fate lies within.

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

A whole new ….

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana

Off. With. Their. Heads.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana.

The Ocean is inside us all.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana.

Can you feel the love? Can you feel it tonight?

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier CIty, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier CIty, Louisiana

I WAS first in line!

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Just let down your hair!

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Voodoo, a frog and beignets.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana.

Fire in her soul and grace in her heart.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier CIty, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier CIty, Louisiana

The stroke of midnight, glass slippers and a little bibbidi bobbidi too.

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Just Let. IT. Go.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana

Do you want to build a ….

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

Beauty is found within.

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford.  Bossier City, Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Dana Bradford. Bossier City, Louisiana

Fairies Welcome.

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton,  Louisiana

Hair and Makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

I did it for my father.

Hair and makeup by Britney Walker.  Haughton, Louisiana

Hair and makeup by Britney Walker. Haughton, Louisiana

I’m a Damsel in distress.

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Sugar and Spice - Blush Studio by Leslie

February was all about sugar! We played with candy, but mostly played with honey! Nothing like some good Louisiana honey, am I right? I have 6 girls who come see me each month and they allow me to test out some new ideas, test out lighting changes and push my craft! I am so inspired by them! Check out our sugar play below and tell me which model is your fav! :)

Glamour Photographer Louisiana
sexy photographer
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Boudoir Photographer in Louisiana

Ruston Boudoir
Minden Boudoir Photographer
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Shreveport Boudoir
Benton Boudoir Photographer

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shreveport boudoir

Bossier Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport Boudoir
Minden Boudoir Photographer
- Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - In The Sheets - March Model Club - Blush Boudoir Studio

There’s something about simple sheet boudoir photos; I absolutely love them! A lot of times clients will choose ‘sheets’ as one of their outfits. You can go completely bare, using the sheet to cover. You can wear a simple outfit that matches the sheets, or you can wear your favorite color undies to add a pop of color.

Check out my ‘blush babes’ from March. I’m drooling. :)

Boudoir Photos
Boudoir Photographer in Shreveport
Shreveport Boudoir Photogapher
Sheet Boudoir Photographer
Sheet Boudoir Shreveport
Boudoir Photos Shreveport
Dallas Boudoir Photographer
Marshall Texas Boudoir
Houston Boudoir Photographer
Louisiana Boudoir Photos
Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport Photographer
Ruston Boudoir
White Sheet Boudoir Shreveport
Nurse Boudoir
Sheet Boudoir Minden
Boudoir Minden
Longview Boudoir Photographer
Sweaters, socks and .....

Eight women are a part of my monthly model club. A simple sign up fee, monthly sessions and three complimentary images each month. By the end of the year they’ll all have thirty six images with 12 different themes! That’s pretty cool right?

Check out each model below, and tell me who’s outfit you liked the best!

First up - Sweaters!

Shreveport Boudoir Photographer, Bossier Boudoir Photographer, Benton Boudoir Photographer, Marshall Boudoir Photographer, Minden Boudoir Photographer, Ruston Boudoir Photographer.

Boudoir Photographer in Louisiana
Boudoir photographer in Ruston
Boudoir Photographer
Boudoir Photos in Shreveport
Boudoir Photographer near me
Shreveport Photogapher
Boudoir photographer
Shreveport photographer
Shreveport Boudoir photos
photographer near bossier city
Shreveport Portrait Photographer
Shreveport Photographer
Ruston Boudoir Photographer
Boudoir Photographer Louisiana
Minden Boudoir Photographer
Bossier Boudoir Photogapher
Longview Boudoir Photographer
Marshall, Texas Boudoir Photographer

Carla's Pink Sheet Session - Shreveport Boudoir Photographer - Blush Studio by Leslie

I have a set of PINK satin sheets.

G I R L.

Pink Sheet Boudoir Session
Louisiana Boudoir Photographer
Shreveport Boudoir Photographer
Boudoir Photographer near me
East Texas Boudoir Photographer