Learn to shoot with leslie

I’m so excited to announce my first boudoir mentoring sessions! It's taken me a looooooong time to get to where I am, and i’ve basically learned along the way. I began shooting boudoir in 2015, had Facebook groups and then didn’t, blogged, didn’t blog and then did again. Today, you’ll find me on page one of Google, and I didn't pay to get there. :)

I want to invite you into my studio, where we will talk natural light, client experience, sales and simple SEO tricks to get your rankings up.

December 14, 2019 GROUP Mentoring. 9am-1pm

You’ll have the chance to work with two different models, learn natural studio light, watch leslie pose and interact with the models, see products and learn sourcing info, etc.

$200. Only 6 slots available.

$75 due now, $125 due 48 hours before the class.

January 5, 2020 PRIVATE Mentoring. 9-1pm

$500 individual, $650 with a partner ($325 each).

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Leslie Whitaker